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20161003-KinneyRetirement (92).JPG
Lynne Hoehamer poses with Andee Vocelka at Kinney's party.

Land Lunar Module Drop (1).jpg
Participants in 3 categories (families, kids aged 6-11, kids 12 and up) were encouraged to test their engineering skills. The challenge was to design a way to land their lunar modules which carried an egg inside. The Johnston Fire Department brought…

20161203-HIJ (44).JPG
Johnston Mayor Paula Dierenfeld meets a young Johnston resident, and they pose for a silly picture with Santa.

20130718-Dan Wardell (40).jpg
This lucky child has been chosen to help Dan with his program.

luchadore masks 05032018.jpg
Library patrons pose for a photo while wearing luchador masks that they created.

Copy (2) of Copy of 2013 Pal BethW Lori F (1).jpg
Lori French, Pally Haag, and Beth Womacks.

20180109-YS ARL(1).jpg
Library staff member Lori French visits with Webster, a duck from the Animal Rescue League of Iowa's "TheraPets" program.

therapets 3 06052018.jpg
Library staff member Lori Elrick has a big smile as she pets a dog from the Animal Rescue League of Iowa's "TheraPets" program.

20161003-KinneyRetirement (62).JPG
Former JPL Board member Stephan Johnson takes a photo with employee Lori French and daughter Larissa.

20170329-Elrick (keep).JPG
Lori Elrick, Library Associate, Circulation.
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