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20190126_Houseplant Styling (1).jpg
Potted plants sit on a table ready for the "Houseplant Styling with Andrea Metzler" program.

20190114_LT_Whiteboards Help with Understanding.jpg
A whiteboard helps with understanding.

20190110_ESL_Learning Transparent Language (2).jpg
ESL students practice using Transparent Language in the computer lounge.

20190110_ESL_Learning Transparent Language (1).jpg
An ESL student poses for a photo with her library card.

Attendees join JPL Teen Advisory Board members as they read favorite passages from the Harry Potter book series, enjoy tasty wizard snacks, participate in a mini-potions class, and do other Hogwarts-inspired activities.

Members of Girl Scout troop 620 pose for a photo next to the Little Free Pantry that they built outside of the library.

Library staff member Lori French (left) and Justin Stevens (right) are bowling at the staff party.

Library Director Eric Melton poses for a photo with members of the Johnston Public Library Foundation. First row from left to right: Peter Coaldrake, Carol Crane, Rebecca Janni, Matt Thacker, Eric Melton. Second row from left to right: Marcia…

Partnership Visit II.jpg
Library staff members Molly Countryman and Blaine Riesberg sit at tables with various books and activities for children as part of a community outreach program.

Library staff members Elizabeth Stevens (left) and Lynne Hoehamer (right) work together to set up the book tree.
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