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Library staff member Missy Schwebach works at the temporary Technical Services workspace in the Story Time Room.

2013 May (15).jpg
Missy Schwebach flashes a smile as she checks in materials.

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Missy Schwebach, Technical Services Assistant Librarian.

2015 Jan building pix (58).JPG
Library staff member Melissa Schwebach organizes items on a cart behind the circulation desk.

2012 YS Pumpkin Patch (13).jpg
Missy Schwebach is dressed as Velma (from Scooby Doo) for Halloween.

2013 Volunteer Brunch (5).jpg
Employees Missy Schwebach and Sheryl Start pose for a photo at the volunteer appreciation brunch.

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Children gather at the library to play Minecraft.

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The Friends of the Library collected change with the goal of laying the change from the first Library location to the new Library location, one mile north on Merle Hay Road.

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Volunteers place a taped row of coins from the first Library location to the new Library location, one mile north on Merle Hay Road.

2000_Mile of Change (5) Newspaper.JPG
Newspaper photo of library staff and volunteers wearing the Mile of Change t-shirt which was sold to raise funds for furnishings for the new Library. From left to right are Lori French, volunteer Elsie Lathrum, Kinney Carnahan, and volunteer and…
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