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2014 Holidays in Johnston (59).JPG
Refreshments are served during Holidays in Johnston.

2014 Holidays in Johnston (69).JPG
Johnston Mayor Paula Dierenfeld stands with librarians Beth Stevens and Kinney Carnahan in front of the holiday book tree during Holidays in Johnston.

2014 Holidays in Johnston (70).JPG
Two girls pose for a photo in front of the holiday book tree during Holidays in Johnston.

2014 Holidays in Johnston (103).JPG
A holiday tree made of books is displayed for Holidays in Johnston.

2014 Holidays in Johnston (49).JPG
The Madrigal Singers from Johnston High School perform at Holidays in Johnston.

2014 Holidays in Johnston (84).JPG
The flute choir from Summitt Middle School performs during Holidays in Johnston.

2014 Holidays in Johnston (77).JPG
Children and families gather in the youth services area during Holidays in Johnston.

2014 Holidays in Johnston (86).JPG
A large audience watches performances by Johnston High School Madrigal Singers, Summitt Middle School Flute Choir, and others.

2014 Novel Knitters (1).JPG
Knitters and wannabe knitters gather together to practice their craft.

2014 Rock Your Crock (1).JPG
Attendees learn tasty recipes and techniques for the slow cooker in the Rock Your Crock program.
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