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Various games and activities are set up at the Pumpkin Patch Party.

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Various activities and decorations are displayed at the Community Helpers program.

Various fashion items fill a table at Beth Womacks' retirement celebration. They include: a purse with beauty products, knitting needles, and Beth's mending card, a book-shaped box surrounded by a pink scarf and filled with accessories, photos, a…

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Library employee Missy Schwebach holds the book "Abigail Adams" by Woody Holton while Beth Stevens poses behind the book to create the illusion that the head from the book cover is her own.

Abbi Waugh, Technical Services Assistant Librarian.

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From left to right, John Waugh, Lynne Hoehamer, Abbi Waugh, and Eleanor Waugh smile for the camera the Halloween Sock Hop.

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Bryn Start and another member of the Drake Choir deliver a singing Valentine to Sheryl Start.

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A girl dressed in a princess costume stands near a haunted castle at the Pumpkin Patch Party.

2014 Mar 24 Legomania (1).JPG
One of the awesome final products of LEGO-mania.

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A dancer performs at the "Our Stories: Celebrate Diwali with the Indian Community" program.
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