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20161025-ys purge(1).JPG
Open cabinets in the Youth Services workroom reveal various toys and other programming supplies.

20191207_Holidays in Johnston(135).jpg
Youth Services area decorated with hanging dots for Holidays in Johnston.

20161025-ys purge(8).JPG
Close up photos show some of the supplies used for YS programming, such as plastic sandwich bags, bowls, and posters.

20161025-ys purge(4).JPG
Various toys and other unwanted items fill the staff break room after the Youth Services team sorted through the Youth Services workroom.

2004 YS school donation (1) - Copy.jpg
Jane Jones presents a check to library employees Kinney Carnahan, Jessica Young, and Chris Heimke. The Longaberger Foundation made a $500 grant to the Library for children's materials in honor of Jane Jones of Johnston, one of The Longaberger…

20161025-ys purge (6).JPG
Various props and supplies, such as pools, cardboard cutouts, puppets, and ribbons, fill the Youth Services storage room.

20161025-ys purge(3).JPG
A large pile of trash from the Youth Services purge sits by the staff door.

20170816-DamaniPhillips (3).JPG
This poster promotes the Zenith Chamber Music Festival, of which the Damani Phillips Jazz Quartet performance is a part.

2014YSZombieParty (3).JPG
Teenagers work on zombie coloring pages and crafts.

2014YSZombieParty (8).JPG
These teenagers look the part for the Zombie party.
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