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Adult Summer Reading prizes are displayed with musical instruments behind the Circulation desk.

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A sign describes the prizes available for the adult summer reading program.

A clarinet is displayed behind the Circulation desk next to the Adult Summer Reading "jammin'" prize, two tickets to a Nitefall on the River concert.

Sounds of Summer activity booklets, fliers, prize drawing entry containers, and a flute are displayed at the Reference desk for the Adult Summer Reading program.

The Adult Summer Reading display with trivia sheets, prize entry containers, and activity booklets sits at the Reference Desk. A sign reads "ADULT SUMMER READING. READ BOOKS. ATTEND EVENTS. WIN PRIZES."

The Adult Summer Reading "bookish" prize, an assortment of book lover items, is displayed behind the Circulation desk.

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A northeast-facing view from behind the reference desk features stacks of adult periodicals set at an angle. Various furniture and the adult New Arrivals stacks can be seen in the background.

Adult periodical and fiction bookstacks have been temporarily relocated so the old carpet can be replaced.

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A south-facing view features a small book display and reading area between some adult non-fiction bookstacks in the food and cookbook section.

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Text over a photo of books reads "Adult New Readers Collection."
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