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1993_American Girls Tea (2).jpg
Tabletop display for an American Girls Tea party. Decorations include the Samantha doll, a book about the Women's Movement, a photograph of Uncle Sam; an American flag, and a 1940s radio.

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A line of people hold American flags outside of the library.

20151020-Amazing Race teens(3).JPG
Students grades 6-12 celebrate Teen Read Week by completing trivia and physical challenges. Afterward, teens made their own sundaes at the "Around the World Sundae Bar."

Allison Counts 20151214_092215285.jpg
Library staff member Allison Counts poses for a photo at the Youth Services desk.

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The food, drinks, and decorations are all ready for Kinney Carnahan's retirement celebration.

TuesStorytime (12).JPG
Books, nametags, and other necessities for storytime are ready.

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The library and meeting room are ready to host Johnston Green Days craft.

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People aged infant to adult attend an intergenerational cosplay event.

Copy of Alisa Pajser (6).jpg
This photo features the profile of library staff member Alisa Pajser.

20161203-HIJ (36).JPG
Aline Teixiera and Molly Hauser, Teen Advisory Board members, pause for a photo during Holidays in Johnston.
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