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2014 Holidays in Johnston (86).JPG
A large audience watches performances by Johnston High School Madrigal Singers, Summitt Middle School Flute Choir, and others.

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The audience watches a performance by the Damani Phillips Jazz Quartet, a part of the Zenith Chamber Music Festival.

2013 Oct Elaine Cooper Author 006.jpg
Elaine Cooper visits with her audience members.

The audience tastes a variety of wines during Wine Tasting 101.

2012 YS Mad Science (7).jpg
The audience actively participates in the mad science program.

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The audience participates in Jay and Leslie's Laughing Matters program.

A boy from the audience assists in a trick by magician Keith West.

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The audience listens attentively as local author Rebecca Janni reads from one of her books.

2013 Oct Elaine Cooper Author 009.jpg
Elaine Cooper's audience listens to her presentation.

2013 YS Magic Show (6).jpg
The audience interacts with the magician during this summer reading magic show.
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