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Zhijun "Sunny" Wu leads a Tai chi/Qi gong class outside the library.

Julie Srail and Rachel Vaughan, who are both library shelvers, volunteers, and Teen Advisory Board members, stand by empty shelving.

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The mascot for summer reading 2016, "Guybrarian," welcomes library patrons.

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A sign describes the prizes available for the adult summer reading program.

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Britta Wey leads an adult program, "Couch to 5K," in the meeting room.

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Molly Countryman, Assistant Director, helps children with a game at the Pumpkin Patch Party.

Beth Stevens, Public Services Librarian, works at the reference/information desk.

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Sheila Olson is dressed as Pippi Longstocking for the Pumpkin Patch Party.

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Alexandra Mauer helps out with a game at the Pumpkin Patch Party.

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Megan Sockness, Youth Services Librarian, began working at JPL in October 2016.
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