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A large patch of bare floor is left after old carpet squares are stacked in front of the circulation desk.

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Carol Dickey helps with Halloween Bingo at the Pumpkin Patch Party.

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Carol Dickey hands out prizes at one of the games at the Pumpkin Patch Party.

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Carol Crane examines memorabilia that was part of the "Visions of the Universe" traveling exhibit during the Grand Opening.

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Cards and gifts for Karla Kuhn are displayed for her retirement celebration.

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Doug LaFleur's paintings of cars are featured in the art gallery.

Capoeiristas present a program for children.

Capoeiristas show the audience some of the musical instruments that are used in capoeira.

Two capoeiristas demonstrate acrobatic-like movements for a children's program.

A capoeirista shows the audience the musical instruments used in Capoeira.
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