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Ceramics by Nicole K. James are displayed in July 2017.

A view from the south side of the library near the entrance shows the center of the library before re-carpeting.

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A stack of paper bags sit on a table at the "Get Unplugged: After-Hours Family Fort Night" event. The label reads "Cell Phone Sleeping Bag. NATIONAL DAY OF UNPLUGGING. #unplug."

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Pally goes through the line of delicious food at her retirement celebrations.

Stacks of CDs and furniture are temporarily relocated in preparation for re-carpeting.

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Text across a photo of children reading on the floor together reads "CAUGHT READING IN THE STACKS."

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Teenagers learn the science behind catapults and practice with marshmallows.

Many cars wait to drop off documents for the free Shred Day sponsored by AARP.

Many, many cars wait to drop off documents for free shredding.

Slowly, cars pull in the library's parking lot and drop off documents for shredding.
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