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2012 12 28 Block Party Legos (1).jpg
Children build with LEGOs during the LEGO block party.

20160316-candy bash(2).JPG
Two girls build sculptures out of candy at the Spring Break Candy Bash.

2012 YS Star Wars Party (1).jpg
Children take turns battling Darth Vader during the Star Wars party.

20160316-candy bash(1).JPG
Two girls play a candy-themed game at the Spring Break Candy Bash. Teen volunteer Molly Hauser assists.

2000_Ground Breaking (2).JPG
Grade-school children attended the groundbreaking for the new Johnston Public Library, held on Tuesday, April 25 from 10:45 a.m. to noon. The ceremony began at the gazebo outside the original library.

2014YSScience of Illusion (1).JPG
Children follow along and attempt the illusions demonstrated by magician Rick Eugene Brammer.

TuesStorytime (19).JPG
Children of varying ages enjoy storytime.

2014 YS Pumkin Patch (16).JPG
Many children attend and enjoy the Pumpkin Patch Party.

Kids follow the instructor (Librarian Megan Sockness) as she leads Little Lotus yoga.

Children work on various crafts and activities during the Johnston Green Days celebration.
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