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20161210-HappyHarryPotterHP (5).JPG
Kids of all ages make Harry Potter-themed crafts at the Happy Harry Potter party.

20161210-HappyHarryPotterHP (3).JPG
Delightful treats from the world of Harry Potter await at the Happy Harry Potter party.

Missy Schwebach and Jessica Young are dressed to celebrate Batman's 75th birthday.

5 6 14 044.JPG
Elizabeth Stevens, Public Services Librarian.

Rasmussen Peggy.JPG
Peggy Rasmussen, Public Services Assistant Librarian.

McDowell Amy (2).JPG
Amy McDowell, Circulation Library Clerk.

Erin McDonough, Pulic Services Assistant Librarian.

Sierra Stukenholtz (1).JPG
Student staff member Sierra Stukenholtz.

Quinn Lauren 2014 (4).JPG
Student staff member Lauren Quinn.

2014 YS JasonJuggler (2).JPG
Juggler Jason Huneke entertains children during summer reading with various juggling stunts.
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