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20160610-mo willems(28).JPG
Elephant and Piggie, along with Lynne Hoehamer and Jessica Young, lead the group activity at the Mo Willems party.

20160610-mo willems(5).JPG
Elephant and Piggie lead the crowd of children in dancing at the Mo Willems party.

2007 YS Egg Drop done.jpg
A girl holds an egg that survived the egg drop. Kinney Carnahan is in the background, taking pictures.

2002_Stories and More.JPG
Children made spiders at the Eek - Spiders! program for ages 2-6. This program was part of Stories & More which was held the second and fourth Fridays of each month.

2012 YS If I was a Zookeeper (11).jpg
An educator from Blank Park Zoo shows children a hawk.

An eclipse in varying stages.

2014YSZombieParty (11).JPG
Teens try eating 'brains' at the Zombie party.

An eastward view of the Youth Services area shows all of the bookstacks in their normal locations on top of the new carpet.

2015 Jan building pix (6).JPG
An east-facing view from the adult area features a catalog computer and a reading space in the young adult area.

Check-in area after reorganization 2.jpg
A view from inside of the staff workroom shows off the east side of the reorganized check-in area. Shelves separate the check-in area from the other staff work areas. A red cabinet, table and chair, and book carts line the east wall.
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