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The Youth Computer Lounge is temporarily closed for the re-carpeting project. The computers have been relocated and the furniture has been pushed to one side.

Bookstacks in the Youth Services area are temporarily relocated in preparation for the re-carpeting project.

Various furniture from throughout the Youth Services area is temporarily relocated to the west wall in preparation for re-carpeting.

Extra furniture and toys have been temporarily relocated to the Story Time Room in preparation for re-carpeting.

Bookstacks have been rearranged in the Youth Services area in preparation for re-carpeting.

Books on CD, computers and shelving pieces are piled onto tables in preparation for re-carpeting.

Equipment used for re-carpeting sits in the middle of the library. A sign reads "GETTING NEW CARPET. PLEASE EXCUSE OUR MESS. FEBRUARY 5-26."

Large boxes of new carpet from Milliken sit in the adult area of the library in preparation for re-carpeting.

Large boxes of new carpet and buckets of adhesive from Milliken sit in the center of library in preparation for re-carpeting.

A large patch of bare floor is left after old carpet squares are stacked in front of the circulation desk.
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