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20161003-KinneyRetirement (70).JPG
Library Director Eric Melton presents Kinney Carnahan with a thank-you memento at her retirement party.

20161003-KinneyRetirement (62).JPG
Former JPL Board member Stephan Johnson takes a photo with employee Lori French and daughter Larissa.

20161003-KinneyRetirement (60).JPG
Librarian Elizabeth Stevens and her husband Justin help celebrate Kinney's retirement. Daughter Penelope is present in the second photo.

20161003-KinneyRetirement (54).JPG
Kinney Carnahan poses with Elizabeth (left) and Rachel (right) Brown. In the second picture, Kinney and Elizabeth share a big hug. In the third photo, The Browns (Elizabeth, Aina, and Rachel) watch the program.

20161003-KinneyRetirement (53).JPG
Kinney Carnahan poses for a picture with the Gee family. Left to right: Donald Gee, Mark Gee Sr., Kinney, and Jeannie Gee.

20161003-KinneyRetirement (51).JPG
Kinney Carnahan poses with volunteer Erin Gardner.

20161003-KinneyRetirement (47).JPG
Library Director Eric Melton and his son Elliot at Kinney's retirement party.

20161003-KinneyRetirement (46).JPG
Library Director Eric Melton with Roy Kenagy (consultant, retired librarian, and former State Library employee) at Kinney Carnahan's retirement celebration.

20161003-KinneyRetirement (45).JPG
Kinney's husband, Jim Carnahan, poses for a photo with Beth Womacks.

20161003-KinneyRetirement (42).JPG
Library Director Eric Melton chats with Sarah Lane, Jessica Young, and Sarah's husband Zac at Kinney Carnahan's retirement celebration.
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