The first photo shows the Friends of the Johnston Public Library Board from left to right: Unidentified woman, Stephan Johnson, Louise Whitlow, Unidentified woman, Unidentified woman, Unidentified woman, Lisa Cooper. In the second photo, library…
Current and former JPL employees visit at Kinney Carnahan's retirement party. Left to right: Geri Clark (in white sweater), Sheryl Start (in blue), unidentified woman (in black and white print), and Sister Sue Sellers (in grey).
Non-perishable food items and other donations fill and surround the donation bin in front of the circulation desk. Library patrons took advantage of the "Food for Fines" program during National Library Week where patrons can pay overdue fees with…
Boxes of non-perishable food items and other donations fill boxes in the back of a vehicle. Text over the photo reads "A grand total of 981 food items were delivered to the Partnership Pantry following Food for Fines!!"