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A table is beautifully decorated for a graduation celebration for Kate Irwin and Michelle Kumar.

Governor Vilsack came to the Library to help promote Smartest Card month. Left to right: Volunteer Jeanne Hansen, JPL Foundation members Ellen Jessen and Paige Fiedler, Governor Tom Vilsack, Johnston Mayor Brian Laurenzo, and JPL Director Willona…

These teens are having fun goofing around at the Super Reward Party.

After We Let Go of the Kardex 20161127_085013837_HDR.jpg
A basket of magazines sits on the counter where the Kardex used to sit.

Kayla Davis socializes with friends at her going away party.
Left to right: Kayla; Cecelia Hodson; Haley Dostalik; Hailey Abbey; Molly Hauser; Hannah DeBruin.

Kayla Davis is the guest of honor at her going away party. Kayla was a library shelver, volunteer, and teen advisory board member.

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Tablescapes in classic autumn colors from Sandra Mrachina's "Fabulous Fall Tablescapes" class.

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Librarian Jessica Young leads a Glow Grossology program for teens and tweens.

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Gloria Brewer, Library Clerk, Circulation.

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The Glastonbury Revelers sing and interact with the audience. Metro Arts sponsored their visit to the Library.
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