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2008 Foundation Appreciation (3).jpg
Kinney Carnahan and Pally Haag at the Johnston Public Library Foundation Appreciation

2008 Foundation Appreciation (3) done.jpg
Kinney Carnahan and Pally Haag at Foundation Appreciation.

20150708-Maurine (9).JPG
Library staff members Maurine Myers (right) and Kinney Carnahan (left) pose for a photo at Maurine's retirement celebration.

2009_Kinney and Lynne.jpg
Kinney Carnahan and Lynne Hoehamer, Youth Services Librarians.

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Kinney Carnahan and Joanne Wilkinson (?) are shown from the back giving a puppet show to children seated on the floor and their parents.

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Kinney Carnahan poses with volunteer Erin Gardner.

20130718-Dan Wardell (43).jpg
Youth services librarian Kinney Carnahan stands with Dan Wardell in front of a large summer reading audience.

2010_Dans reading road trip 7-22-10 (14).jpg
Dan Wardell and Kinney Carnahan pose for a few photos while Dan visits JPL on his reading road trip.

2009_Kinney and Dad getting rid of squid.JPG
Kinney dances with Dan Wardell, trying to get rid of a squid, during the summer reading program. Photo from the Des Moines Register.

20181103_Our Stories India(23).JPG
Library Board member Dan Marvin (second from right) and former library staff member Kinney Carnahan (center) sit with others at a table during the "Our Stories: Celebrate Diwali with the Indian Community" program.
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