Browse Items (2116 total)

Copy of Alisa Pajser (6).jpg
This photo features the profile of library staff member Alisa Pajser.

Copy of Ann.jpg
Library staff member Ann LeMaster smiles for a photo.

JPL logo.jpg
The JPL logo from 2012 is a vertical grey rectangle with black text. The letters "JPL" are large across the top of the rectangle with the words "Johnston Public Library" following below, each having their own line of text within the rectangle.

Copy of Janene ).JPG
Library staff member Janene Parks poses for a photo.

Copy of 2012 Holidays JN (19).JPG
Josh Young sits with Joely Young as she eats a holiday themed treat.

2009Buldg 011.jpg
A line of people hold American flags outside of the library.

hfghfgh 036.jpg
A book titled "Spells, Potions and Creepy Concoctions" sits on a table with a spider web tablecloth.

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A stack of red cups sits on the floor under a sign that reads "Red Cup Challenge" at the "It's A Carnival!" event.

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A "Make & Take" craft uses construction paper and balloons to make an elephant decoration during the "It's A Carnival!" event. A sign with instructions reads "Make & Take Elephant. You will need: 1 piece of plain construction paper, 2 paper hearts, 2…

03202019_It's a Carnival (1).jpg
A sign at the "It's A Carnival!" event reads "Cotton Candy 1 ticket please!"
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