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Various tags with names of children who participated in the summer reading program hang on the walls of the Youth Services area.

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Library staff member Rita Samuelson is dressed up for Halloween.

Library Director Willona Goers poses for a photo.

Library staff member Maurine Myers and a young child pose for a photo together in their pirate Halloween costumes.

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Library staff member Maurine Myers wears a pirate costume and plays a Halloween themed game with a child.

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Library staff member Maurine Myers looks over her shoulder to smile for a photo.

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Library staff member Kinney Carnahan poses for a photo.

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Library staff members JoAnn Cogil (left) and Kinney Carnahan (right) pose for a photo.

Library staff member Jessica Young poses for a photo.

Aditi Dinakar.jpg
Library staff member Aditi Dinakar poses for a photo.
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