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A study room is temporarily converted into a computer lab while the normal computer area gets re-carpeted. A sign on the window reads "Temporary Computer Lab (please leave the door open)."

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Teenagers take part in a game of Quidditch for Muggles (no flying brooms here).

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Library staff member Lynne Hoehamer makes mug recipes with children.

Eric Melton moves the large spider out of his office to the workroom.

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Library volunteer Polly Munck (seated) and library staff members Pally Haag (center) and Maurine Myers (right) unpack and set up the Circulation area of the new library.

A temporary moving cart is parked in Library Director Eric Melton's office for the re-carpeting project.

Workers prepare to move bookstacks back to their normal locations after re-carpeting.

Workers prepare to move large Adult Non-Fiction bookstacks in preparation for re-carpeting.

Julie Srail runs the Mortal Instruments table at fandom camp.

Library staff member Andrew Holm and others try various yoga poses during Yoga on the Green led by Tori Hudson from Power Life Yoga.
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