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A painting by Corey J. Burnett-Hanssen, titled "Are Tigers Ticklish," is displayed in the art gallery in 2016.

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Attendees are gathered around tables to participate in various activities during the "Our Stories: Celebrate Diwali with the Indian Community" program.

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Tables are set and flags are displayed on the wall for "Our Stories: The African Community In Iowa."

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A map of Africa sits on the table next to a jar and a written note that reads "Pull a question from the jar and start a conversation."

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Attendees line up to sample the flavors of Africa during the "Our Stories: The African Community in Iowa" program.

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Library staff member Peg Rasmussen speaks during the "Our Stories: The African Community in Iowa" program.

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Attendees sample the flavors of Africa while listening to African people share their life experiences during the "Our Stories: The African Community in Iowa" program.

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Stacks of fliers with different numbers fill a table.

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Attendees chat with one another while sampling the flavors of Africa during the "Our Stories: The African Community in Iowa" program.

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Adults and children participate in an Ornament craft during Holidays in Johnston.
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