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A jack-o'-lantern light is displayed at the Pumpkin Patch Party.

Children show off their costumes at the Pumpkin Patch Party.

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These young people help with the Pumpkin Patch Party. Kaya Young is in the center, others are unknown.

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A girl in a pumpkin costume works on a craft at the Pumpkin Patch Party.

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Public computer stations sit behind the reference desk. Children browsing movies can be seen in the left of the image while the Tech Lab and Copy Center can be seen in the background.

Antoinette Stevens teaches a class on protecting online security and privacy.

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Teens at the Divergent party enter a drawing for prizes.

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The presenter from the Insect Zoo holds a large cockroach for the audience to see.

A presenter from Blank Park Zoo shows a ferret to an audience of children.

Library staff members Deepa Swaroop (left), Lori Elrick (center), Abbi Waugh (right) and others prepare to re-carpet the workroom.
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