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New carpet squares are being added to cover the bare floor around the Youth Computer Lounge.

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This boy would rather read than play with LEGOs.

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Johnston Mayor Paula Dierenfeld shows a card she found in a book. The card reads, "To the lucky person who found this card - This card was left for someone to find (you!) with the hopes that it brightens your life today and makes you smile! Someoneā€¦

Master gardener Megan Will teaches a class on raised bed vegetable gardening.

Rachel Vaughan, Library Shelver.

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Rachel Vaughan pets a dog from the ARL Therapy Pets program.

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Rachel Vaughan helps a young girl with an activity at the Pumpkin Patch Party.

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Webster, a duck from the Animal Rescue League of Iowa's "TheraPets" program, sits on library staff member Rachel Vaughan's leg.

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Volunteers Rachel Vaughan (hot dog) and Bailey Vaughan (nun) assist with activities at the Pumpkin Patch Party.

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Quarantined returns were stored in the East meeting room for a minimum of three days before being wiped down with disinfectant and checked in. These photos show items in quarantine 2 weeks after Phase 1 of the re-opening.
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