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African drummers visit during the summer reading program.

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Greta and Adaline Akers perform at Kinney Carnahan's retirement program. Their mother, Sarah Nevins, is on the right in the first photo.

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Library staff member Alex Jennetten poses for a photo at the check-in desk in the workroom.

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Alexandra Mauer helps out with a game at the Pumpkin Patch Party.

Alexandra Mauer (meow!) is set for the Pumpkin Patch Party.

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Alfred and Helen Nielsen sit at a table with a piano-themed tablecloth at library staff member Rita Samuelson's retirement celebration.

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Aline Teixiera and Molly Hauser, Teen Advisory Board members, pause for a photo during Holidays in Johnston.

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This photo features the profile of library staff member Alisa Pajser.

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People aged infant to adult attend an intergenerational cosplay event.

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The library and meeting room are ready to host Johnston Green Days craft.
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