Browse Items (2116 total)

2000_Ground Breaking.JPG
Library staff attend the new library groundbreaking ceremony on April 25th. From left to right: Geri Clark, Joanne Wilkinson, Kinney Carnahan, Maurine Myers, unidentified woman, Beth Womacks, Ann LeMaster, Francine Canfield.

A pallet of new carpet squares rests next to large boxes on top of an area with old carpet.

Stacks of new carpet squares rest on a patch of old carpet near the Reference desk.

Various books are stacked in groups to show what some patrons are currently reading.

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Teens play videogames during the "Spring Break Videogame Tournament" event.

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Stacks of books, treats and other decorations fill the meeting room counter and tables for "Spotlight on Series."

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The "Spoonman" Jim Cruise interacts with the audience during his concert.

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Members of the Teen Advisory Board assist as kids spin the wheel for a prize during Holidays in Johnston.

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An audience member studies a recipe card during the Spicy Fall cooking program.

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The audience listens and learns about spices from Rory Brown and Chad Russell of Allspice Culinarium.
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