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An educator from Blank Park Zoo presents a program on animal athletes to children during summer reading.

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A young girl pets a lizard during the Blank Park Zoo Animal Athletes program.

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An educator from Blank Park Zoo holds a lizard to show to children.

A table is beautifully decorated for a graduation celebration for Kate Irwin and Michelle Kumar.

Mike Israel, Secretary of the Library Board through FY 2017-2018.

Dan Marvin, Secretary of the Library Board, beginning FY 2017-2018.

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A sign advertises the 2016 gallery artists. The sign next to it displays Cheri Sorenson's biography.

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Two paintings by Cheri Sorenson hang on the wall in the art gallery.

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Visitors to the art gallery chat as they browse works by Cheri Sorenson.

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Birch bark art by Cheri Sorenson is displayed in the library.
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