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2016 Kinney Slide Show 1.png
Library staff created a Powerpoint slide show to celebrate Kinney Carnahan's retirement. They presented the slide show at the bi-monthly staff meeting.

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Teen Librarian Jessica Young leads a meeting of the Teen Advisory Board.

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Jessica Young helps teens make craft projects out of bottle caps.

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As part of the Makes Waves at Your Library summer reading program, Kinney Carnahan, Jessica Young, and Lynne Hoehamer pose with a frog. In a second photo, the frog hugs a child.

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Kinney Carnahan poses with a paint sponge brush following an art project program.

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Kinney Carnahan helps the presenter demonstrate scientific principles at a Mad Science program.

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Kinney Carnahan and Dan Wardell pose by the "VIP stage door entrance" (to the Youth Services workroom).

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Dan Wardell performs before an audience during the summer reading program.

Kinney Carnahan poses as Sherlock Holmes reading a Hardy Boys mystery in front of a bookcase backdrop.

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Tavian, grandson of library staff member Kinney Carnahan, is reading in the Youth Services play area.
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