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2013 artbarn (47).jpg
Willona Goers and Eric Melton converse at Art in the Barn.

2013 artbarn (50).jpg
Willona Goers addresses the crowd at Art in the Barn.

Grand Opening (4).jpg
Willona Goers stands beside one of the free-standing panels of the "Visions of the Universe" traveling exhibit during the Grand Opening.

2012 YS Pumpkin Patch (5).jpg
Library Director Willona Goers is dressed up for the Pumpkin Patch Party.

2013 Jazz in July (40).jpg
Willona Goers, Library Director, says a few words to the crowd at Jazz in July.

Library Director Willona Goers poses for a photo.

2013 rita 007.jpg
Library staff members Willona Goers, Maurine Myers and Beth Womacks chat at Rita Samuelson's retirement celebration.

2012 Holidays in JN tree lighting (2).jpg
Library Director Willona Goers poses for a picture with Santa Claus and Johnston Mayor Paula Dierenfeld during Holidays in Johnston.

Participants have the chance to win a door prize at the wine tasting class.

2002_Winners Circle Summer Reading.JPG
The 2002 summer reading theme was "Join the Winner's Circle - Read!" At the sign-up event, children wrote their names on paper books or hands and stuck them to the wall to symbolize their commitment to completing their summer reading goals.
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