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Three girls and a boy help Dan Wardell of IPTV with his Reading Road Trip presentation.

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Children in the audience of Dan Wardell's Reading Road Trip interact during an activity,

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Family members join children in an activity led by Dan Wardell of IPTV in the Reading Road Trip.

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Family members join children in activities led by Dan Wardell of IPTV.

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Children interact during an activity led by Dan Wardell of IPTV.

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Dan Wardell of IPTV interacts with children during the Reading Road Trip.

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Children participate in an activity with Dan Wardell of IPTV during the Reading Road Trip.

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Dan Wardell of IPTV presents the Reading Road Trip at Johnston Public Library. An unidentified boy assists with the presentation.

Children check out a ferret from Blank Park Zoo in a children's program. Also pictured on the far left: Jessica Young.

Children pet a ferret from Blank Park Zoo during a children's program.
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