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Kids and their adults make food items including apple donuts.

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Children and teens show off their Halloween costumes as they attend the Halloween Sock Hop.

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Librarian Megan Sockness smiles for the camera at the Halloween Sock Hop.

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Library employee Erin McDonough hands out treats to two teens at the Halloween Sock Hop.

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Assistant Director Molly Guerra hands out treats to a little princess at the Halloween Sock Hop.

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From left to right, John Waugh, Lynne Hoehamer, Abbi Waugh, and Eleanor Waugh smile for the camera the Halloween Sock Hop.

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Library staff member Deepa Swaroop works at the Youth Services Desk during the Halloween Sock Hop.

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Library staff member Deepa Swaroop created a flannel board of fall cut-outs.

Teens use the craft cart to create arts and crafts projects in the Commons.

Three-dimensional tulips from the spring Make & Take Craft. Youth Services staff put out the supplies and kids can create the craft.
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