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A sign displays the biographies for the artists whose work is on display in the art gallery, Corey J. Burnett-Hanssen and Molly Free.

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Cheri Sorenson sits down to work at her easel during an exhibition of her work in the art gallery.

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A toddler is hugging Arthur the Aardvark.

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Arthur hugs two children in the large meeting room. Arthur visited the Library with Kim Brown, Marc Brown's sister as part of Book Week. Kim was the inspiration for the D.W. character in the Arthur series. Children and their families learned how theā€¦

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Live music entertains patrons at Art in the Barn.

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Visitors to the art gallery chat as they browse works by Cheri Sorenson.

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Photographs by Ron Powers are displayed in the art gallery.

Art gallery display featuring the work Phillip Thomson and Erika Thomson.

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Art by Doug LaFleur and Bob Baldus is displayed in the gallery.

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Watercolor paintings on display in the glass cases
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