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20130718-Dan Wardell (8).jpg
The audience seems to be enjoying themselves during Dan Wardell's program.

The audience watches as they're taught new twists on old Thanksgiving favorites.

20160605-BelinQuartet (1).jpg
A large audience gathers to watch and listen to the Belin Quartet for Sundaes on Sunday.

20150611-MS (2).JPG
The audience seems excited for the Mad Science program.

2012 YS Nadas Concert (6).jpg
The Nadas attract a large audience for their summer reading kickoff concert.

2014 YS June DanWardell (10).JPG
The audience seems to be enjoying their participation in the Reading Road Trip.

2012 YS Magic Show (2).jpg
A large audience has gathered at the library to see magician Jonathan May.

20150723-MagicShow (5).JPG
An audience of children enjoy Jonathan May's magic show.

2013 YS Magic Show (5).jpg
The audience watches Jonathan May's magic show with rapt attention.

2012 Holidays JN flutes (1).JPG
The audience watches a performance by the flute choir from Summitt Middle School during Holidays in Johnston.
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