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Bhavya Nandikoor 20151222_140718193.jpg
Library staff member Bhavya Nandikoor poses for a photo at the check-in desk.

Bhavya's Farewell or Shower 20170323_090637469.jpg
Library staff member Bhavya Nandikoor poses for a photo with her daughter next to decorations for her baby shower celebration in the staff breakroom.

Fish Sculpture (Recently Installed) 20160422_134637757.jpg
The "Big Bass" mobile created by Berthold B. Dieter, and donated by Mike and Judy Dieter, hangs in the library.

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Three children wearing large feet made out of grocery bags. The feet have toenails attached to the top.

A photo taken with a Snapchat filter causes this teen's smile to be extra large as she poses for a photo with the book "The Darkest Path" by Jeff Hirsch.

2001_Bike Rodeo.JPG
Parents and children pose with Officer Kirkeby in front of an Irwin's Bike & Sports van at the Bike Rodeo held in the Library parking lot on July 14 at 10 a.m. Officer Kirkeby and the Mayor's Youth Advisory Council demonstrated bike safety tips and…

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A BINGO card sits on a table for the "Get Unplugged: After-Hours Family Fort Night" event.

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Birch bark art by Cheri Sorenson is displayed in the library.

Library staff member Blaine Riesberg works on a craft during the Johnston Green Days celebration.

Library staff member Blaine Riesberg poses for a photo with a big smile during the re-carpeting project.
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