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Flowers, cupcakes, cookies, and beverages fill the table at Maurine's retirement celebration.

Snacks sit on the breakroom table next to a sign that reads "National Library Workers Day."

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Various food items fill the counter of the meeting room kitchen in preparation for library staff member Rita Samuelson's retirement celebration.

Treats are set out on a table for volunteers at the Pumpkin Patch Party.

Gift baskets sit on a counter and table with signs that read "In honor of National Library Week, we want to THANK YOU for all you do for us and the community! ~The residents, families, and staff of the Bishop Drumm Community!"

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Staff member Kinney Carnahan is dressed as Little Red Riding Hood and an unidentified woman is dressed as Grandmother at the Trick or Treat at the Library children's party.

Members of Girl Scout troop 620 pose for a photo next to the Little Free Pantry that they built outside of the library.

A shredding company's trucks are ready to take documents for shredding.

The trunk of a vehicle is packed full of food and personal items collected during Food for Fines week to be donated to the Johnston Partnership.

Three-dimensional tulips from the spring Make & Take Craft. Youth Services staff put out the supplies and kids can create the craft.
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