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Beth Stevens and Deepa Swaroop sit with a panel of Indian Americans as a part of Our Stories: India.

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Library staff members Elizabeth Stevens (left) and Deepa Swaroop (right) listen during the "Our Stories: Celebrate Diwali with the Indian Community" program.

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Library staff members Andrew Holm (left) and Elizabeth Stevens (right) wear matching black-and-white shirts.

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A few of Ben's tricks require the lights off!

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Ben Jiminez presents his Bubble Show during Summer Reading.

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Ben Jiminez uses helpers from the audience for a few of his bubble tricks.

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Ben Jiminez entertains children with a bubble show.

Attendees sit and listen to the Belin Quartet play outside of the Archive Room in the library.

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The Belin Quartet plays outside the library for Sundaes on Sunday.

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A west-facing view from near the periodicals stacks shows public computer stations and library staff member Cheryl Heid working at the reference desk.
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