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2013 artbarn (39).jpg
Eric Melton (green/blue plaid shirt) meets and greets at Art in the Barn.

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Artists' displays are set up throughout for Art in the Barn.

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Patrons browse the artwork at Art in the Barn, a fund raiser for JPL.

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The Simpson Barn is ready for the Art in the Barn fund raiser.

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Artists display their work during a fund raiser for JPL, Art in the Barn.

Children help Jim Birkel, aka Dr. Shock, with various science demonstrations at the "Mad Science" summer reading program.

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Debora Strong, right, poses for a photo with a family from the Let's Talk ESL conversation group.

Items Donated by Muggles 3.jpg
A printed note in front of a collection of books and socks reads "These books and comfy socks were graciously donated by Muggles attending the Johnston Public Library's World Read Aloud & Harry Potter Book Night Celebration on February 2, 2018. Read…

2004 YS Pumpkin Patch Party (13).jpg
Kinney Carnahan, wearing a cat costume, with children and a parent at the Pumpkin Patch party.

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An employee from Blank Park Zoo shows animals to children and their parents at a show and tell (and touch) program for all ages.
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