Gabby, a dog from the Animal Rescue League of Iowa's "TheraPets" program, sits patiently during her visit. A caption across one image reads "Gabby is here to be cuddled!"
Library staff member Julie Srail and others take a break during "Exam Cram" to visit with a dog from the Animal Rescue League of Iowa's "TheraPets" program.
Daphne, a dog from the Animal Rescue League of Iowa's "TheraPets" program, sits patiently on the floor during her visit. A caption across the image reads "Daphne is here to be cuddled! Come see her!"
A cat from the Animal Rescue League of Iowa's "TheraPets" program sits on a table. A caption across one image reads "Come visit this cool cat! TheraPets are here this afternoon. Come on in!!"