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Youth Services made these impressive thematic displays for summer reading. The theme this summer is "Dig into Reading."

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Youth Services created summer reading packets to replace the cancelled summer reading program. All youth age groups could participate in summer reading and earn prizes. Packets were available for pick-up during curbside service hours.

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Children listen to a speaker talk about the wonders of Australia at the Trails & Tales Down Under: Aus 'TRAIL' ia program for ages 6-11.

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Creative displays in the library promote the start of the summer reading program.

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World flags and the Olympic Rings decorate the summer reading readers' wall.

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Children work on crafts available during summer reading sign-up.

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Aditi Dinekar helps with summer reading sign-ups as children play nearby.

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Children and parents stand in line to sign up for summer reading.

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Library staff member Kinney Carnahan helps children sign up for the summer reading program.

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A variety of titles about games and sports make up one of the summer reading program displays.
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