Browse Items (2116 total)

20150602-Cosplay (4).JPG
Children and teens pose for photos with superheroes from Iowa League of Heroes during an intergenerational cosplay event.

Lynne_Pumpkin patch 2017.jpg
Lynne Hoehamer helps prepare for the 2017 Pumpkin Patch Party.
Posted on library intranet with caption, "Count on Lynne to take care of any situation."

20150716-DebbieDooWop (8).JPG
Many children and their families turn out to watch Debbie DooWop and Dynamite Dan.

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Children in the audience have a great time dancing with Debbie DooWop and Dynamite Dan.

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Children join in dancing as Debbie DooWop and Dynamite Dan perform during summer reading.

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Debbie DooWop and Dynamite Dan entertain children during summer reading.

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Dan Wardell, of IPTV, entertains children during summer reading.

20150625-BlankParkZoo (3).JPG
Instructors from Blank Park Zoo show children a large snake (python?) and let them touch it.

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A Blank Park Zoo employee shows children a small animal.

20150625-BlankParkZoo (1).JPG
An employee from Blank Park Zoo shows children a hawk.
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