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2012 YS Star Wars Party (5).jpg
Kids participate in the Star Wars LEGO creation contest.

1997_Stories by Stars (2).JPG
Newspaper article promoting "Stories by Stars," which was held November 14, 1997 to kick off National Book Week. The event was also to welcome Francine Canfield as the new director of the Library. Stars of the event included: Mayor John VerHoef,…

Stations are all set for the Tape Town program.

20161003-KinneyRetirement (25).JPG
Stephan Johnson, JPL Board member 2002-2008, talks with JPL Foundation Treasurer Matt Thacker at Kinney Carnahan's retirement party.

2014 YS FamilyGarden (20).JPG
Librarian Elizabeth Stevens' daughters and husband plant a pizza garden. Pictured (left to right): Penelope, Justin, and Anna Stevens.

1997_Stories by Stars.JPG
Children in their pajamas (and their parents) are sitting and listening to local celebrities read bedtime stories.

1999_Treasure Your Library (4).JPG
Kinney Carnahan and an unidentified woman are surrounded by children during the Stories by Stars event held October 11, 1999. Everyone is standing in front of a cardboard castle decorated with bats. Kinney is holding a witch puppet.

Librarian Megan Sockness starts off Little Lotus yoga by reading a book.

The! program includes a story!

2012 Farmers Market.JPG
Sheila Olson, dressed as Silly Sally, presents story time at the Johnston Farmers' Market, with Lynne Hoehamer.
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