A view from the doorway of the book drop room shows a book cart, moving dolly, folded A-frame signs, and stacks of containers along the side walls with two book drop bins against the far wall.
Grade-school children attended the groundbreaking for the new Johnston Public Library, held on Tuesday, April 25 from 10:45 a.m. to noon. The ceremony began at the gazebo outside the original library.
First Lady, Christie Vilsack, greets children attending the groundbreaking ceremony for the new library. The ceremony began at the gazebo outside the original library.
Library staff attend the new library groundbreaking ceremony on April 25th. From left to right: Geri Clark, Joanne Wilkinson, Kinney Carnahan, Maurine Myers, unidentified woman, Beth Womacks, Ann LeMaster, Francine Canfield.
Staff member Kinney Carnahan is dressed as Little Red Riding Hood and an unidentified woman is dressed as Grandmother at the Trick or Treat at the Library children's party.
Library staff member, Kinney Carnahan, is the magician's assistant at the Harry Potter Party held after school to celebrate Book Week. Children were invited to dress as their favorite Hogwarts character.
Library staff member, Kinney Carnahan, helps children make gingerbread houses out of graham crackers at the House of Sweets party held after school. The Library provided the graham crackers and frosting, and children were encouraged to bring their…
Library staff member, Kinney Carnahan, dresses as Rudolph to pose with Santa and two children. Santa's visit was part of the December storytime for ages 3 1/2 to 6.