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Snow covers the ground around the tables outside of the library.

Signs show the various types of dough children can experiment with in the! program.

In Iowa, there are estimated to be over 2,500 people experiencing homelessness. In October 2019, Youth Services as patrons to show that even a small act of caring, such as donating a pair of new socks or underwear (in all sizes), can make a big…

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A black and white photo collage shows library patron Sofi posing for photos with signs that read "The library led me to: Make more friends" and "My library led the way to: making childbeard!" A banner across the bottoms of the signs read "LIBRARIES…

A small patch of old carpet remains under stacked chairs and tables from the meeting room.

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The sound engineer under a tent at the Johnston Bluegrass Festival.

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The young adult reading area in the southeast corner of the library is complete with tables, chairs and posters.

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A south-facing view features books in the biography section. A small bench fits snugly between the biography stacks while chairs and a table sit against the window beyond the stacks.

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A reading patron, chairs surrounding a table, an adult book display, and various bookstacks can be seen in this southwestern view from the New Adult area.

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Sparkle and Lollipop are clowns who were part of the "Treasure Your Library" party at the end of the 1999 summer reading program. They are pictured with Beth Womacks and Kinney Carnahan.
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