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Sierra Stukenholtz (1).JPG
Student staff member Sierra Stukenholtz.

Bluegrass 2005 Photos 001.jpg
Sign for the 2005 Johnston Bluegrass Festival

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Library Director Eric Melton created signs to give patrons information regarding book returns, quarantine time period for returns, and curbside pickup.

Silicone Molds Added to the Collection 20151231_081019935.jpg
Silicone molds are added to the library's collection.

2013 artbarn (31).jpg
The Simpson Barn is ready for the Art in the Barn fund raiser.

2013 Oct Elaine Cooper Author 002.jpg
Johnston's Simpson Barn is decorated and ready to host author Elaine Cooper.

2012 Art in the Barn 002.JPG
Simpson Barn is the site of Art in the Barn, a fundraiser for JPL.

The words, "Sing, talk, read, write, play" - the foundations of early literacy - adorn the wall in the newly remodeled youth services area. Librarian Megan Sockness carefully applies the decals.

2012 Holidays in JN vocal group (1).JPG
A vocal performance group performs during Holidays in Johnston.

20191026_Our Stories Mizo(8).JPG
As part of "Our Stories: The Mizo Community in Iowa" participants listened to a folk song from Lalfakawmi Cherput and storytelling from Lal Rin Sanga and Lian Thang Puii
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