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Children practice balancing exercises with the Hanson Family Jugglers.

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Lisa Laird, ventriloquist, poses for a picture with children.

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A girl and a baby pose for a photo with Elephant and Piggie at the Mo Willems party.

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Three children pose for a photo opportunity with Elephant and Piggie at the Mo Willems party.

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Children pose for a photo with their crafts at the Little Chefs program.

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Children play with LEGOs during School Age Special - Game on!

Children participate in a life-sized game of Candyland at the Spring Break Candy Bash.

Three children play a life-sized game of Candyland at the Spring Break Candy Bash.
Teen volunteers Molly Hauser and Kayla Davis assist.

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A boy and girl play candy-themed games during the spring break candy bash.

Children play various games at the Pumpkin Patch Party.
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