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20161210-GiftWrapping (7).JPG
Designer Sandra Mrachina teaches a class on creative gift wrapping.

20191026_Our Stories Mizo(5).JPG
As part of "Our Stories: The Mizo Community in Iowa" participants were able to see crafts created by people from the Chin State of Burma.

20181201_Holidays in Johnston(2).JPG
Children and family members work on craft projects during Holidays in Johnston.

2014 Holidays in Johnston (23).JPG
Children and family members work on craft projects during Holidays in Johnston.

20131207-HIJ (7).jpg
Children and families make a craft as part of Holidays in Johnston.

TuesStorytime (13).JPG
Supplies for the storytime craft are ready to go.

20180918-Community Helpers(7).jpg
A police hat craft is displayed at the Community Helpers program.

20161003-KinneyRetirement (66).JPG
The audience during Kinney's retirement program consists of coworkers, library patrons, and family members.

2013 Pally retires (5).JPG
Coworkers help Pally celebrate her retirement. Left to right: Maurine Myers, Lori Elrick, Peg Rasmussen, Missy Schwebach, and Jo Cogil.

2013 Pally retires (4).JPG
Coworkers help Pally celebrate her retirement. Left to right: Eric Melton, Lori French, Willona Goers, and Pally Haag.
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