Browse Items (2116 total)

Re-carpeting equipment, CD stacks, computer stations and chairs sit on a newly carpeted space while other areas continue to be re-carpeted.

The floor is bare in the West Meeting Room after the old carpet has been removed and stacked on a pallet.

Stacks of old carpet squares sit propped against displaced office furniture in the staff workroom as the Technical Services area gets re-carpeted.

New carpet covers the floor in the Youth Services staff workroom.

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An alcove creates a cozy reading area.

The scene is set for a wine tasting.

Materials are set out for children to make their box cars for the box car drive-in.

Decorations and games are all set for the 2017 Pumpkin Patch Party.

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One of the games teens can play at the Super Reward Party is a real life Angry Birds.

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Local author Rebecca Janni interacts with children from the audience.
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