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20131022 PP (6).JPG
A little boy is dressed as a waste management worker, complete with garbage truck! Behind him are other children in costumes.

2012 YS Pumpkin Patch (11).jpg
Children in all sorts of costumes are entertained at the Pumpkin Patch Party.

2003_Curious George and the Man with the Yellow Hat.JPG
Curious George and the Man with the Yellow Hat have their photo taken with a child when they visited the Library to celebrate National Library Week. Hugh Myers (husband of library staff member Maurine Myers) portrayed the Man with the Yellow Hat.

20200602_Curbside Process(1).JPG
Library staff member Peg Rasmussen demonstrates the process for curbside pickup.

20200602_Curbside Pickup(1).jpg
A patron uses curbside pickup to collect available holds.

20150724-TeenParty (24).JPG
Teenagers collect cupcakes and various materials for decorating during Teens Take Over: Super Reward Party.

20180811(4)-CulinaryHistoryofIowa done.JPG
Patrons listen to a presentation by Darcy Maulsby about the culinary history of Iowa.

2001_Cubby Bear Summer Reading Sign-up.JPG
Iowa Cubs' Cubby Bear helps out signing children up for the summer reading program.

2013 1 14 Flag  Dedication (8).jpg
Cub Scout Pack 29 presents the flag to the library to display for the community. The flag was gifted to the Cub Scout pack by Lt. Col. John Perkins as a thank-you for their letters and packages during his tour.

2012 Holidays in JN Santa.JPG
Crowds of families wave at Santa Claus as he arrives at the library.
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